Monday, June 23, 2014

Love Every Second.


      Welcome to Charlie's Crack. You may want to ask why are you reading this post, then let me answer that with an outlook. I bet one of your favorite movie made you feel different after seeing it, or maybe even changed you, some music makes you feel "infinite" like a dreadful day suddenly turns in an "okay" kind of day or maybe one person in your life has the ability to manipulate your mood like you took all the shit today but with just a single natural smile you get to live to take another shit. Life is complex, words are also complex but still they are not able to describe how your day went by or in a larger infinity how your season went by. This is Charlie's Crack, sometimes nutty people have a deeper perspective in life unlike other people that we may call "normal?" that has a completely different angle . 

     NORMAL. I get to see this post "Love every Second" in twitter. Naturally you get to love each second especially when it's about the FIFA World Cup. But for those who are not that passionate with football, you get a reminder that each events in life happens for a reason. You may get f*cked up with work by your boss or just simply bored with your life but hey everything works out in time, and when it doesn't just kiss him/her goodbye. Simple as that. People manipulate what is presented in the table, you get the guts to stay or no guts to leave, a choice was made and you normally just LIVE every second of it. When it works out then you'll LOVE every second of it.

    NUTS. Love every second. You may get the feeling that sometimes events in life gets to slow down like you can see every detail of movement, every detail of meaning in what was happening and get to ask yourself Is this real? then you leave that question with a smirk. Only you know that happened, only you get to live that passing second of your life. You cannot share it because you're nuts. Nutty people get fight with themselves everyday, they got to crack up most of the time but they usually get the most out of life. They usually get most of the seconds to appreciate just because they take extra attention with what is going on, not with what is going to happen. 

Every second follows a minute forms an hour, makes a day and someday be part of our memories and stories to tell to our philosophical children. We get our ups and downs, we get shit or cake at times, families nagging us, anonymous people judging us and insecure human beings bringing us to their levels but each of these relatable facts made us one strong hell of a fighter. Only halfway there? then there's still lot of time to go nuts and be normal because a life played in safety takes you 0mph in life.

>>>NEXT POST: Out of my League.